Poetry: Mechanical Heart

“Mechanical Heart” by Anne Bree Caitlin. What is this poem about?

Hola, Reader!

Today I am sharing one of my own poems, “Mechanical Heart”. I bet you can guess what this poem is about! Share your “guess” in the comments below. 😉


Metal fingers weaving through
A copper metal mind,
Tiny leaves, electric nerves
Zipping through a wire spine.

Little houses, tiny roads,
Pathways to a program
Every cord bearing a load,
Every wire in its place.

Grey dwellings, living orders,
Plotted on a green field.
Zeroes, ones, telling errors,
Off, on, levers of thought.

A drum beat,
Rising heat,
Cheering fans,
Cooling off.

Gentle whirring,
Lightning brain.
Metal burning,
But no pain.

A body with no legs,
A mind with no grey matter;
Compartments for JPEGs,
A housed mechanical heart.

What do you think this poem is about? Did you like it? Do you have any critiques or tips for this poem? Comment below! 🙂

Have a great week! Keep on writing!
